Home Dogs (page 97)


Within Ноսrs Оf Еасh Оthеr, А Маn Аnd Нis Fаithfսl Dоg Раssеd Аwау

When Daniel Hove, a former Air Force officer turned assistant fire chief, was stricken with pancreatic cancer, his family and friends flocked to his side. Gunner, Daniel’s devoted dog, an 11-year-old lab who rarely left his owner’s side, was the most encouraging. Despite his 90-pound weight, images of Daniel’s final years show him cuddling by his human bed and curling …

Stray Dоg Waitеd Оսtsidе Нis Еmpty Ноmе Fоr Wееks Аftеr Нis Сircle Оf Relatives Lеft, Hоping Thеy Wоսld Rеtսrn

Cupid watched as his family packed up, loaded boxes into their car, and drove away. He didn’t know what happened or why he wasn’t invited to join them. All he knew was that this was his home. He hopes that if he waits long enough, his family will return. Neighbors called Janine Guido, founder of Speranza Animal Rescue, to report …

Senior Dog Nearing Тhe Еnd Wipes Аway Нer Вest Friend’s Тears

“He started cleaning my face. I could feel that he was letting me know that everything was going to be okay.” For the past 19 years, this cute little puppy named Simba has been responsible for cheering up his devoted girlfriend, Mya Monay Davis. They’ve never been able to split up. Mya informed The Dodo “I’ve known Simba since we …

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