Home Dogs (page 116)


Мan Saved А Dog Dumped With Нis Мouth Shut With А Тape

So many animals are dumped in shocking conditions. It shows that many people have pets that they cannot look after. Here the dog that was dumped, his mouth was shut by the tape. The dog was shivering in the cold. The passerby  Bob Hoelter of Indiana was walking towards the store at night when he heard the strange noise. He …

Why Woman Рut Нer Dog Into Тrash Сan

It’s shocking to know how a large number of animals are dumped by the owners because they are not convenient for them. One dog who had this horrifying experience belongs to Pennsylvania. The dog was put in a trash can and dumped like garbage. The dog who is only 9 months old is discovered by trash collector Nathan Binnie who …

61 Dogs Rescued Оn Тheir Way Тo Slaughter Нouse In Сambodia

61 dogs were stuffed tightly in six small cages as they were going to a slaughterhouse. They were saved just in time and given a second life. The dogs looked as they had been starving and crammed in metal cages were being taken to a slaughterhouse in Kampong Cham, Cambodia. Thanks to the timely help, otherwise they would have become …

Аbusive Father Forced А 12 Year Оld Тo Leave Нis Рuppy

How perfect the world would have been if every dog gets to live with its loving owner. But the world is not so perfect and sadly many dog lovers have to give up their besties unwillingly. Here is the story of a 12-year-old boy who was so much in love with his pitbull puppy that he did not want the …

Нow А Stray Dog Disowned Тwice Вecame А Рroud К-9

All of us believe in luck, which means the majority. But there is a thing in luck that it can be helped by skill. We can’t undermine the importance of skill in the success of a person. If we consider that only luck helps, we are taking away the natural ability of a person. We are not crediting the person …

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