Home Dogs (page 47)


Dog Runs Up Тo Woman In Тhe Woods Аnd Вegs Нer Тo Follow

Ashley Boggs was aware that something was wrong. She was traveling down a winding woodland road in Puerto Rico when she noticed the automobile ahead of her stop and then resume going. She quickly saw why traffic was stopped: a tiny brown puppy was coming up to motorists on the busy road, pleading for aid. Boggs, a volunteer with Miracles …

Вlind Dоg Gеts Surgеry Аnd Finаlly Sееs Нis Fаmily Fоr Тhе Vеry First Тimе

Touching videos that are making waves online today are all about second chances. When Duffy, a rescue Irish terrier, went blind, his caregiver Benjamin May claimed he and his parents (Duffy’s owners) were saddened. May notes that Duffy’s fall seemed to happen swiftly. “He went from a perfectly normal 8-year-old dog to a fully blind dog in approximately 3-5 months,” …

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