Home Dogs (page 108)


Рregnant Нomeless Мother Dog Lying Мotionless In А Small Ditch

According to The GoGo Rescue chanal, they got a call about a poor dog collapsed on the street. Everything was bad when they came. Her stomach is swollen. They initially mistook it for a massive tumor. They hurried her to the veterinarian. As a result of the ultrasound, she has 2 babies in her stomach. She was in pain and …

Nеarlу Еսthanizеd Dоg Rеfսsеs То Lеt Rеscսеr Gо

The 4-month-old puppy cowered within a metal cage as she saw a butcher cruelly murder dog after dog for their meat. The dogs howled in agony, and Sanie’s skin shivered as she watched. It would be her time any minute now. But then something happened that changed the course of her life. Michael Chour, the creator of The Sound of …

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