The bronze statue was presented at America’s VetDog’s campus in Smith town, New York.This sculpture was prepared out of bronze by famous sculptor Susan Bahary. It was placed outside at America’s VetDog’s campus in Smithtown, New York.
The artwork shows Sully in a sitting position and holding the rope in his mouth. He is shown wearing his official America’s VetDog service dog vest.
At the unveiling ceremony of the statue, apart from the creator Susan Bahary, his muse Sully was also present and he was posing patiently beside his bronze look-alike.
Now Sully is working as a facility dog at Walter Reed National Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. His work involves comforting veterans and their families while they are at the medical center.
Sully was born in 2016. He is a yellow labrador. He is trained by America’s VetDog’s, a non-profit organization that trains the dogs to do a two-page list of commands like bringing a newspaper, answering a phone call, and providing help in an emergency.
According to America’s VetDog’s, the name Sully he got from the U.S. Airforce officer Chesley Sullenberger.
After his training is completed, he was sent to assist George H.W.Bush during the last six months of his life that’s up to November 30, 2018. He grabbed a lot of attention from the people during the funeral of the late President. He was seen faithfully guarding the coffin of the President that touched many hearts.
During his short span of service with the former President, he formed a deep bond with the President. For six months, Sully provided Bush with loyal fellowship and help.
After the passing of the President, this extraordinary canine became a national treasure as he brought joy and happiness to the President during the last six months of his life. For this loyalty, he was honored with the Public Service Award. Sully will now be admired for this bronze statue.