Рit Вull Тhat Slept Оn Сoncrete Floor For 8 Years Нas Аll Тhe Вeds She Wants Now

Lola’s life before she was rescued might be summed up in one word: terrible.

The pit dog was tied inside a dark, dirty garage for eight years, spending her days resting on a concrete floor. She received little attention, no veterinary treatment, and was never taken off the leash.

When a lady discovered Lola, she contacted AMA Animal Rescue, a New York-based animal protection group. A team of rescuers came and persuaded Lola’s owner to relinquish her.

After all Lola had gone through, no one could blame her for being nasty or violent toward others. Lola, on the other hand, was nice and lovely, and couldn’t stop wagging her tail when the rescue crew discovered her.

“We dubbed her ‘wiggly butt,'” AMA volunteer Michele Walsh told The Dodo. “She was wagging her lovely little tail, incredibly sociable, kissing everyone, and overjoyed to see her rescuers.” They went straight out with her once she let them take her from the chain.”

The team’s first priority was to bring Lola to Animal Kind Veterinary Hospital, where she had a few tumors surgically removed. Lola was then placed in foster care for a few months before being adopted by Charlène von Saher of Manhattan.

Lola has been with von Saher for seven weeks, although it only took her a few days to settle in and rest.

“She discovered where her small beds were, as well as what was soft and comfy for her,” von Saher told The Dodo.

Lola will also reorganize things to make herself more comfortable, according to von Saher.

“She pulled a throw pillow from my bed and put it in her dog bed,” von Saher said. “When I got home, she had her head on it – she had basically fashioned herself a mini bed in her bed with my pillow.” It was like a scene from “The Princess and the Pea” – I assume she loved having numerous pillows underneath her.”

Lola has even been seen lying across two dog beds, according to von Saher…

A rescued pit bull napping on two dog beds or stacking one dog bed on top of another.

“I put out for a while, and when I returned, Lola had lifted the smaller bed on top of the bigger bed and climbed on top of it,” von Saher said. “It was hilarious. When I walked in, I couldn’t believe it.”

Lola also enjoys the sun, something she most likely experienced when tied up in the gloomy garage.

One thing is certain: Lola has taught von Saher the value of unwinding. Von Saher has enjoyed seeing Lola grow into a spoilt, happy dog.

“I believe she’s getting better every day,” von Saher remarked. “They often say that when you adopt a dog, you’re really rescuing two.” That’s because you’re taking one and making room for another dog to enter the shelter or rescue organization.”

“I admire her,” von Saher said. “She’s already brought so much to my life.”

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